
Alternative Investments Demystified: A Beginner’s Guide To Higher Returns

Alternative investments, or “alts”, are not your typical stocks, bonds, or cash. They include things like private equity, private debt, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities. These options usually offer the chance for higher returns than traditional investments. But, they also come with more risk and complexity.

Before, alternative investments were mainly for big groups like pension funds and endowments. But now, with changes in the investment world, alts are opening up to individual investors too. Even with rules and high investment minimums, many people see the value in these options. They like how they can diversify their investments and potentially earn more.

Key Takeaways

  • Alternative investments offer the potential for higher returns than traditional stocks and bonds.
  • Alts include private equity, private debt, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities.
  • Alts can help diversify an investment portfolio and reduce overall risk.
  • Alternative investments are typically less liquid and more complex than traditional investments.
  • Regulatory requirements and investment minimums can make alts less accessible to individual investors.

Understanding Alternative Investments

The world of alternative investments, or “alts”, offers a wide range of options beyond stocks, bonds, and cash. These alternative assets include private equity, private debt, hedge funds, real estate, commodities, and more. They are different because of their unique characteristics and how they can help shape an investment portfolio.

What Are Alternative Investments?

Alternative investments are not your typical financial assets. They often have lower liquidity, making them harder to value, buy, and sell than traditional assets. You usually find alternative investments through pooled investment options like hedge funds or real estate investment trusts (REITs). These funds have a set life cycle and might be open-ended, always looking for new capital.

Key Characteristics of Alternative Investments

  • Diversification: Alternative investments can add variety to your portfolio and might offer higher returns. They often don’t move with traditional assets.
  • Lower Liquidity: Many alternative investments are not as easy to sell as stocks and bonds. They’re not traded on public exchanges and might have rules on taking money out.
  • Complex Strategies: Alternative investments use alternative strategies. This includes short-selling, leverage, and derivatives, which can be tricky.
  • Higher Fees: Alternative investments usually have higher fees for management and performance. This is because they need more active management.

It’s important to know the characteristics of alternative investments if you want to diversify your investment portfolio. This can help you get better returns.

Types of Alternative Investments

alternative investments

Alternative investments include many assets beyond stocks and bonds. They offer the chance for higher returns and more diversification. They also give investors access to unique market opportunities. Let’s look at the main types of alternative investments that smart investors use to boost their portfolios.

Private Equity

Private equity means investing in companies not listed on public markets. This includes venture capital, growth equity, and buyout funds. These investments can grow quickly and may become public or be sold for a profit.

Private Debt

Private debt, or direct lending, involves lending to companies or people outside regular banks. It can offer good returns with a focus on secured loans. This makes it a unique asset class.

Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are managed investments that use various strategies to make money in different markets. They often use leverage and complex trading to meet their goals.

Real Estate

Real estate is a classic alternative investment. It includes physical properties, REITs, and related securities. Investors can earn steady income and see their investments grow over time.


Commodities like metals, energy, and food can protect against inflation. They offer returns that don’t always move with the stock market. Adding commodities to a portfolio can make it more diverse.

The world of alternative investments is wide and varied. It offers many chances to improve portfolio performance and returns. By understanding each asset class, investors can make smart choices. This can help them build a strong investment strategy.

Alternative Investments and Portfolio Diversification


Investors often choose alternative investments (alts) for their power to spread out their investments and lower risk. Alts often don’t move with the market in the same way as traditional assets like stocks and bonds. This can help make an investor’s portfolio more stable.

Alts also tend to be less volatile than traditional investments because they focus on the long term. They can be a good choice for protecting against inflation. For example, real estate and commodities might keep their value or even grow when prices go up.

Adding alternative investments to a portfolio can be especially useful during uncertain times. They can help investors aim for more stable and consistent returns over time.

Asset Class Correlation to Stocks Correlation to Bonds
Stocks 1.0 -0.2
Bonds -0.2 1.0
Real Estate 0.3 0.1
Commodities 0.1 -0.1
Hedge Funds 0.4 0.2

The table shows how alts and traditional assets don’t move together much. This makes them great for spreading out investments.

“Diversification is the only free lunch in investing.”
– Harry Markowitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics

Accessing Alternative Investments

alternative investment platforms

Alternative investments used to be mainly for big investors and the wealthy. But now, things are changing. New rules and online platforms are making these investments easier to get into for more people.

Requirements for Investing in Alternative Investments

In the U.S., only accredited investors can usually put money into alternative assets. This means people with more than $1 million in assets or an income over $200,000 a year. Some investments need even more, like being a qualified purchaser with at least $5 million invested.

These rules and high investment amounts made it hard for regular people to add alternative investments to their portfolios. But, alternative investment platforms are changing that. They’re making it easier for more people to get into alternative funds and other investment options.

Platforms and Funds for Alternative Investments

Now, many online platforms and funds let individual investors get into alternative investments. These places offer information, access to deals, and the network needed to understand and enter the complex world of alternative investments.

With these platforms, even high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors can look into a variety of alternative investment opportunities. This includes private equity, private debt, hedge funds, and real estate. This makes it easier for people to diversify their investments and possibly earn more.

“The rise of alternative investment platforms has empowered a broader range of investors to explore the potential of alternative assets, further democratizing the world of finance.”

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Alternative investments are becoming a key part of a solid investment plan. They offer the chance for higher returns and help spread out your investments. But, they also have their own set of challenges.

These investments can lower risk and increase potential gains. Yet, they are not as closely watched by regulators, are harder to understand, and come with higher costs and minimum investment amounts. They also can be harder to sell quickly. It’s important for investors to think about how these investments fit with their financial goals and how much risk they can handle.

The world of alternative investments is growing and getting easier to get into. Knowing about this area is key for both individual and big investors. By understanding the complexities of alternative investments, investors can make their portfolios stronger and more stable.


Q: What are the benefits of alternative investments?

A: The benefits of alternative investments include diversification of your portfolio, potential for higher returns compared to traditional investments, and the opportunity to invest in unique asset classes such as private equity funds or real assets like commercial real estate.

Q: How do alternative assets differ from traditional investments?

A: Alternative assets differ from traditional investments in that they often include non-standard investment products such as private equity investments, hedge funds, and real estate, which may not correlate directly with stock markets, providing investors with unique opportunities and risks.

Q: What are some examples of alternative investments?

A: Examples of alternative investments include private equity funds, hedge funds, commodities, real estate, venture capital, and collectibles such as art and wine. These investments often require a different approach compared to traditional investment funds.

Q: Can alternative investments provide higher returns?

A: Yes, alternative investments may provide higher returns than traditional investments due to their unique risk profiles and less correlation with market fluctuations; however, they also come with higher risks and may require a longer investment horizon.

Q: Why should an investor consider a portfolio with alternative investments?

A: Investors must consider a portfolio with alternative investments to achieve diversification, mitigate risks associated with market volatility, and potentially enhance overall returns, especially in economic downturns when traditional investments may underperform.

Q: What is the role of a financial advisor in alternative investments?

A: A financial advisor can provide valuable investment advice on alternative investments, helping investors understand the risks and benefits, select suitable alternative investment products, and create a balanced investment strategy tailored to their financial goals.

Q: Are alternative investments typically suitable for all investors?

A: No, alternative investments often involve high minimum investment amounts and may not be suitable for all investors, particularly those with limited risk tolerance or who require liquidity. It’s essential for investors to assess their financial situation and consult with a financial advisor.

Q: What types of risks are associated with alternative investments?

A: Risks associated with alternative investments may include illiquidity, lack of transparency, market risk, and the potential for high management fees. Investors must conduct thorough research and understand these risks before making an investment decision.

Q: How can I get started with alternative investments?

A: To get started with alternative investments, consider consulting a financial advisor for tailored investment advice, researching different types of investments, and determining which alternative assets align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

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